Horrible personalities, terrifying people and corporate culture...
Having horrible bosses and colleagues will put in risk your career and especially, your mental health. It is important to identify toxic people before you get too involved. If you are in charge of HR and you are planning to interview people for the open vacancy at your company, look at these personalities before hiring. Think in advance, how employees’ personalities can affect your corporate culture? Is this coming person the right one for us?
Here some terrifying personalities:
ghost: you have not seen him face to face, ever, however, he has
assigned you 20 urgent tasks in the last 2 hours. He is everywhere, you can
feel his presence.
2. The smart-ass: he
knows it all. Don’t even try to ask something: …isn’t obvious for you?
3. The micromanager: He
wants to do your job, too and he is checking that everything is done in his
way. Don’t bother to try to do things differently. This “Big Brother” is
4. The egocentric: He
thinks He is better than everyone else. In fact, he is very convinced. He needs
a lot of attention, recognition and he believes he is saving the company with
his effort.
5. The bureaucratic: He
needs to approve everything (after things have been approved by few
6. The picky: He
has no money for investment or even for his own lunch with the colleagues.
Going out for a beer means buying the beer in the closest supermarket and take
it with him somewhere else.
7. The show-off: He is
the one who uses your marketing budget in a champagne bottle, the most
expensive of the list.
8. The Mafioso: He
plays favorites and only keeps (and promotes) certain people around him.
9. The idealist: too
much talking and dreaming, but, no action.
10. The bully: He
never left high school and He is bothering others with bad jokes and painful
actions on daily basis.
11. The indecisive: He
cannot make a decision at all, or change his opinion all the time.
12. The stealer: His
best ideas are yours...He just forgot to mention it, again.
13. The blamer: He hardly
makes mistakes. For sure it is somebody else’s fault.
14. The complainer: He
complains about everything from bosses to colleagues and even office food. He
has been in the same situation for the last17 years, and he has been doing nothing
to change it.
15. The workaholic: His
only life is work, therefore, He expects the same lifestyle from everyone else.
Remember, whatever the situation in your
company is, your actions are contributing as well to the company culture. If
you are in a manager role and your team members have many of these
personalities, take time to evaluate their strengths. Take the best aspect of
each of your team members and emphasize those. Don’t forget to evaluate
yourself and your behavior. Your personality and actions are example for the
rest of the team.