Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Tone Of Your Internal Communication

During my days as communicator I (have) learned that managers don’t need to share everything they know but, they should always keep the communication open and positive. It encourages employees to take part of the company conversation and the development. It also increases their commitment. I know, I could go deeply and talk about the role of the cultural differences in this open and positive communication understanding, but let’s keep that for later…
My point this time is that even if the message is essential, the tone plays as important role as the message itself. If the tone is positive, you can see the results in the company atmosphere:employees are enthusiastic and optimistic. It is like they can get energy and good vibes from the message. However, if the tone is negative, everything will suck, as simple as that. 

The tone is the message:
  • Keep the tone positive even in the most challenging times -especially in the most challenging times.
  • Get the vision right and well explained: whatever you want to achieve with your company, with your team or even with your colleague, be clear. People cannot read your mind. Get it right, explain it, repeat!
  • Focus: The only case in which you should be extinguishing fires everywhere is if you are you are a fireman. If you are not, quit this hobby. If you have problem focusing: select three main topics and talk about those. We humans cannot digest all the info at the time, we will not even remember more than three or four basic points.
  • Share the right message in the right way: all your team members are different. Use different channels but, especially use the appropriate content and way of talking when you communicate with them.
  • Increase urgency: If you are facing challenging time, don’t wait, prioritize communication. Use it for example, to push the team to get the goal, to inspire and to get the commitment. Don’t use the urgency as an excuse to talk about results or the lack of it. Don’t use urgency to be a pain or to push the limits (and the patience) of your team members.
  • Remove obstacles: So if you see that something is not working. Talk! Stop ignoring the situation, stop complaining about it and find out –seriously- the obstacles. Take action.  
  • Stop taking care of everything: the company communication is no a one man show. Let your team take part of it. Their way can be also a good way.
  • Be consistent:  Sync your messages, tone and actions. Always!

Communication, formal or informal, should be a continuous process in any organization. Practice this often and seriously. If you are facing a challenge finding the right way to communicate or finding the way to develop your internal communication, look for advice. Communication is an investment.

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