Thursday, October 29, 2015

10 Top Ten Reasons I Cannot Live Without Internet

Yes, I had a childhood without Internet. We had no Youtube or Angry Birds, we played outside and talked to each other. I am not that old but, it feels like this was very long time ago.

When the first electronic message was sent, I was not even planned to be conceived. How fast the Internet has became an essential part of my life, or better to say, ours. I confess, I cannot live without the Internet, I am always online sending emails, searching for info, communicating, reading, and using (too) many apps. Here, ten facts:

  1. When I wake up, my phone (including the web) is the second thing I check. (The first, is my alarm).
  2. When I have doubts about something, I Google it.
  3. When I plan my holidays, I book a hotel with free Wi-Fi
  4. Contacting my family means using Skype or Whatsapp.
  5. When I take a picture, I think how it might look on my Instagram
  6. There is no exercising without my training apps. If is not on my HeiaHeia, it is like never happened.
  7. When I have/see a good idea I pin it to my Pinterest board,
  8. When somebody talks nonsense, I think on how to rephrase the info into 140 characters and tweet it.
  9. My blog is my therapist.
  10. My phone is the last thing I check before going to sleep. I know I should not, but… 

Last but not least, I don’t understand Internet detox. It sounds as bad as giving up chocolate. Absurd.

Happy Internet Day to all of you!

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